What is a Podcast, and Why Are You Interested in Having One?

What is a Podcast? As if it were a living organism in constant evolution and learning, the structure of blogs changes continuously to adapt to the fashions and needs of clients and readers, at a dizzying pace.

If it was essential to insert an infographic in your blog relatively recently to stay up-to-date, nowadays, the same thing happens with podcasts, a tool that is in the acceptance phase, and that is making its way among the new formats preferred by users.

Those who master podcasting and offer engaging content have thousands of followers, one of the top targets in this segment.

What is a Podcast?

What is a Podcast

Technically, a podcast is a periodical digital publication in audio or video that can be downloaded from the internet. It is simply a customizable and downloadable radio program that can be mounted on a website or blog, even on popular platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, or Ivoox, among others.

The availability of technological tools and the existence of these platforms to store and share content is favoring the diffusion and expansion of podcasts. Although podcasts could be heard on iTunes on iPods years ago, today they are hosted directly on websites and other social media.

A presenter normally directs the podcast, different collaborators, and interviewees, who, over a period of time, present and develop a specific theme to form different episodes that deal with this or various subjects.

Although there may be similarities to the radio concept, the main difference between podcast and radio is the permanence in time. You can listen to them when you are interested or do well, regardless of the timing. Currently, radio stations already have their own podcasts, a recent fact that allows you to listen to the different programs they offer even if it is not live.

What is the Competitive Advantage of the Podcast?

The format of the podcasts is its main advantage when we consider that the lack of time prevents performing according to what type of tasks, finding methods to streamline, and easily digesting content is a good solution.

Texts require special effort and attention. Although videos, a very popular content format that is widely accepted, require visual and auditory attention, the effort is less, as they do not have to read.

The merging of the advantages of text and video formats into one has been the key to developing podcasts since although listening attention is required. Content can be consumed anywhere, anytime, even when performing other tasks simultaneously, since it is the format that least interferes and is the best alternative to learn about new topics and expand knowledge.

Why Should I Have a Podcast?

The most important reasons to have a podcast and thus create more digestible content in a new way are:

  1. Because they give life to words. Texts can be colder and more impersonal, while podcasts break these virtual barriers: they give you voice and bring you closer to your blog readers or your business clients.
  2. Because it positions you as an expert, personal branding and business branding are two fundamental disciplines to better position yourself and differentiate yourself from the competition. Having a podcast will propel you to the pinnacle of expertise faster and more effectively than other content formats.
  3. Because it helps you to network, interview podcasts are popular, enjoyable, and more dynamic than those conducted through the text format alone. They will help you forge alliances and get new contacts, more efficiently and productively.
  4. Because it does not “hinder.” The podcast is a format that can be listened to at any time and at any time without interfering in other activities and tasks. You can use it by podcast app.
  5. Because it is cheaper. Creating a podcast is more affordable than making content in any other format. It is only necessary to have the correct sound equipment and the basic command of some audio editing tools.
  6. Because there is less competition, just as there are countless blogs and YouTube channels, the same number of podcasts are not registered yet, especially in Spain and Latin America. The opportunity is worth taking advantage of.
  7. Because it is fashionable, it is one of the trends that allows developing content with better results of visits in a much shorter time than in the case of blogs.

How Can Podcasting Be Implemented in Your Marketing Strategy?

Podcasts can be included in different ways to create special content, complement texts, carry out specific collaborations, or to promote the Q&A format. We detail it below:

  • Create special content. It is possible to convert a featured or especially relevant post into a podcast so that we can have our most read articles in different formats, to reach another type of audience.
  • Complement texts. A podcast can be added to text content as supplemental information. In any case, it is essential to avoid repeating the same content written in the podcast.
  • Carrying out specific collaborations will multiply the quality of the content we offer, especially if we have the point of view and experience of industry experts or a recognized KOL (Key Opinion Leader) on the subject we are dealing with.
  • Promote the Q&A (Questions and Answers) format so that users of our platform can send their questions through comments or RRSS and thus be able to develop them in a podcast.


Knowing what a podcast is, the advantages of its use and the implementation of this tool in marketing strategies can mark a before and after in content creation as a perfect complement to inbound marketing strategies and thus obtain better results and conversions and visits for your business. Do you dare?