How to Remove Pin from Amazon Fire TV – (Easy)

How to Remove Pin from Amazon Fire TV: Do you find yourself constantly irritated by the need to input a 5-digit pin every time you want to make a purchase or open an app on your Amazon Fire TV or Fire TV Stick?

Fret not! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to bid farewell to this security pin and enjoy a more seamless streaming experience.

How to Remove Pin from Amazon Fire TV


  • Easily reach your Fire TV settings by clicking on the home button and selecting the gear icon.
  • To access essential customization options, scroll down to find “Preferences” within the settings menu.
  • Once in Preferences, choose “Parental Controls” to manage and modify security settings, including the pin.
  • Turn off parental controls entirely or customize them to suit your preferences, eliminating the need for the annoying pin.

How to Remove Pin from Amazon Fire TV?

To remove the pin from your Amazon Fire TV, navigate to Settings, go to Preferences, select Parental Controls, and toggle off the desired settings, such as purchases or app openings.

Enjoy a hassle-free streaming experience!

Step 1: Navigate to Settings

Navigate to Settings
Navigate to Settings

The first step in getting rid of the pesky 5-digit pin is to access the settings on your Amazon Fire TV. Using your remote, click on the home button to return to the main screen.

From there, move to the right until you reach the settings option, which is represented by a gear icon.

Step 2: Go to Preferences

Once you’re in the settings menu, scroll down until you find the “Preferences” option. Click on it to proceed to the next step in eliminating the pin hassle.

Step 3: Access Parental Controls

Access Parental Controls
Access Parental Controls

Within the Preferences menu, locate and select “Parental Controls.” This is where you’ll find the settings related to the security pin that’s been causing you frustration.

Step 4: Toggle Off Parental Controls

Toggle Off Parental Controls
Toggle Off Parental Controls

Upon entering the Parental Controls menu, you’ll likely see a section that allows you to toggle parental controls on or off.

In this case, the narrator of the tutorial mentions having them turned off.

If you want to remove the pin entirely, toggle off parental controls for all applicable features, such as making purchases, opening apps, and uploading to Amazon photos.

Step 5: Customize Your Preferences

If you’re not ready to turn off all parental controls, you have the flexibility to customize your preferences.

For instance, you can choose to keep the pin for purchases but disable it for opening apps or uploading to Amazon photos.


You’ve successfully removed the pin from your Amazon Fire TV, giving you a smoother and more enjoyable streaming experience.

Saying goodbye to the inconvenience of continuously entering that pin is now possible, regardless of whether you completely turn off parental controls or modify them to fit your tastes.